
What this video to know more about the postgraduate programs.

Postgraduate programs

We are delighted to offer you a range of master's degree programs that cater to your academic and professional aspirations.Our Master Programs are designed to provide you with an in-depth understanding of your chosen field of study. Our faculty comprises experienced professors and experts in their respective fields, who will guide you through the program and help you develop the skills required for success in your career.



The Master of Business Administration (MBA) course oered by Lincoln University College (LUC) provides opportunities for students to develop their capability to engage and deal with uncertainty, change and turbulence in the organizational environments, and to develop skills in strategy, leadership, innovation and ethical and social responsibility. 


The Master of Public health program under the Faculty of Science is designed to give students academic and technical skills in broad areas. This program prepares professionals to work on a wide range of public health initiatives;policy advocacy, health education, institutional administration, treatment delivery and disease prevention. The program combines the precise training in international relations theory and practice with the analytical and quantitative tools of policy making.

    • This programme is designed to develop a career in business and financial administration. It provides opportunity to study the structure of the Islamic banking and finance industry, including its theoretical foundations, products, performance, Islamic financial instruments and risk management issues. In recent year many countries have a demand for Islamic banking services for international expansion.
    • The programme Master of Public Administration deals with the fundamental knowledge of power and resources distributed in the world, and impact of political decisions on societies. The programme combines intellectual diversity and analytical aspect to provide a stimulating environment for students for a refined understanding of the complex interaction between the realities of international politics and the requirements of a global morality.
    • In the current market dynamism and fast-changing business environment, projects are being used more frequently to plan and to manage multiple projects at once. The MBA in Project Management is to train professionals with systemic vision who are able to perform in both public or private organizations in any branch of economic activity, using techniques, technological tools and best market practices, based on the knowledge and encompassing steps of initiation, planning, executing,controlling and closing projects.

The Master of Water Resource Management program at Lincoln University College prepares students for a rewarding career as a water-focused environmental scientist by providing them with the necessary professional skills. This course emphasises the significance of accurately assessing prospective and actual impacts on the water environment from industrial practises, abstraction, and agriculture. 

The Master in Construction Management Programme under faculty of Business and Accountancy is designed to give students’ academic and technical skills in broad areas. The programme encompasses a wide range of educational field which helps to be construction experts to bring a project through to successful completion and
helps to became specialized in management techniques to manage the planning, design and construction of a project, from management to end (close out).

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