The Bachelor of Health Sceince is designed for the graduates to be responsive to the health needs of individuals and communities and is guided by a set of core values and principles that underpin Health practice. The Program will equip the health science students with appropriate knowledge, skill and attitude so that she/he is able to effectively and efficiently solve the health and health-related problems of individuals, families and communities.

This program develops leadership qualities and business acumen that may qualify graduates for leadership. Students are provided with training opportunities in which teamwork is heavily emphasized. The program curriculum initially emphasizes fundamental elements of business, such as finance, accounting, management styles, and legal guidelines crucial for operating businesses effectively.

The faculty has active lecturers in disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, history,journalism, political science, social work and psychology. The Faculty explores phenomena and problems in our changing world from different perspectives. Our teaching is closely aims to educate experts who are well versed in various social phenomena.

Through the development of new applications in science, engineering, and business, Computer Science is radically changing the way in which we experience our world. This programme equips students with the skills needed to contribute to this exciting and rapidly evolving innovation field.

إن كليــة الشــريعة والدراســات اإلســامية واحــدة مــن أقــدم الكليــات فــي الجامعــة، وتضطلـع الكليـة بـدور مهـم فـي تخريـج الدعـاة والعلمـاء، وتسـاهم فـي نشـر تعاليـم اإلســام الحنيفــة. وتســعى الكليــة مــن خــال الطــرق التربويــة المختلفــة إلــى بنــاء الشــخصية المثقفــة المتســلحة بالعلــم الشــرعي، وتعزيــز روح الدعــوة اإلســامية داخــل أبنــاء الجيــل. وقـد وفـرت الكليـة كافـة اآلليـات الضروريـة لنجـاح العمليـة التعليميـة وكفاءتهـا، إضافـة إلـى تدعيـم البحـث العلمـي. تتميــز كليــة الشــريعة بأساســها المتيــن ورســالتها الخالــدة، وكادرهــا المتمــرن، ويتميــز طالبهــا بالفاعليــة وااللتــزام األكاديمــي

Through the development of new applications in science, engineering, and business,
Computer Science is radically changing the way in which we experience our world.
This programme equips students with the skills needed to contribute to this exciting
and rapidly evolving innovation field. You will gain not only knowledge and practical experience of the latest technologies, but also a grounding in the underlying principles of the subject.
Home of knowledge & innovtion!!